
Thursday, May 28, 2020

how to do a good blog post

This is my learning about  how to do a good blog post. It  is very simple, just follow the steps and then you know how to do a good blog  post and comment. My Goal :Show that different text types have different features.
question: do you have a blog?

rounding numbers

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


 me:Hi my name is Selah.
I go to St. Francis of Assisi school
.let me tell you a little bit about me.
I have four of my friends' names is Sophie(b).Sophie b loves
horses. She is my BFF. Another
one of my friends is
 There are only
two people left,
one of them are
Sophie. Her
favorite animal is a dog. She has a cat and a dog!
i Can't
imagine what that would be like.anyway on to my other friend
her name is lily her favorite animal is a horse.she is new at
our school so i
made her more comfortable here. it is very fun at our
school. I think
lily likes it here. 
Here is a little
bit more about
me if you are
wondering if
i have any pets yes i do.
I have a pet bunny
she is a girl her name 

And now that is all that you need to know about me.

THE END  OR is it dum

Monday, May 25, 2020

in the 1960's they found a time capsule behind beehive and there was 3 things in it there was money to compare the money from then and the 1960's news paper to show what happened back then one more thing there was design's for  the building and that was all.

my Goal: is to identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge will help with understanding.

did you know that there was a time capsule found there?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dear Future Selah,  date:19th of may 2020 age: 9  

Please don’t read this until you have your first child.
But if you are not going to have a child then you can
read this.We are in lockdown because of a deadly
virus that has gone world wide.We are trying to
defeat the virus.

The last thing  that i liked about it was going on
meeting for school all the time.The thing that i
did like about it was staying at home in the
afternoon i got to eat whatever i wanted to eat and for lunch!.
It was soooo long!.

I could not go for a bike ride because one 
i had to go to school for the other weeks
and two i'm not aloud to go anywhere by myself
so i was not aloud to go and my brother and sister
did not want to go anywhere so i had no choice but
to stay home So what is going on in your life wait!
Don’t tell me I want to find out for myself.
Anyway it was nice knowing you.

Love from Selah from the past  

P.s We will talk later. :)
here is a link to my work for math

 click here to see my google drawing for math

Friday, May 1, 2020

My school reflection in lock down!

What I've done at school is very exciting  doing blog posts.Maths.Writing.
And reading.It was very exciting.We were having video meetings at the Normal everyday routine.We have lunch outside.Sit down at our own
desks.And we Have a house is the room as our bubble.And there was
the other half of the room as the other bubble.I am in a bubble with
my brother and sister and there are 2 other is very fun we go
out to do 2 laps around the back paddock.
It is very fun at school our teachers are right now are Mrs bowler
and Mrs Earl. it is very fun know we can sit were ever we want.

By selah