But if you are not going to have a child then you can
read this.We are in lockdown because of a deadly
virus that has gone world wide.We are trying to
defeat the virus.
meeting for school all the time.The thing that i
did like about it was staying at home in the
afternoon i got to eat whatever i wanted to eat and for lunch!.
It was soooo long!.
i had to go to school for the other weeks
and two i'm not aloud to go anywhere by myself
so i was not aloud to go and my brother and sister
did not want to go anywhere so i had no choice but
to stay home So what is going on in your life wait!
Don’t tell me I want to find out for myself.
Anyway it was nice knowing you.
That is so cool Selah! I wonder if when you get that note in the future if you will remember when you wrote that. Good to know.