
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Learning about Media

Different types of Media 
This term we have been learning about different types of media I have made  a google drawing of what media is you can learn about different types of Media. 

can you name one of the Media's ?


Friday, October 30, 2020

Magnificent Maths strategies

 GOAL : use a broad range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. This week my maths group has been learning two types of maths strategies. One of the maths strategies was tidy numbers and the other one that we learnt was place value. I have done some examples below of these. You can learn how to do both of these strategies too! Here is an example of a tidy number, 101 + 48 = 249. I know this because if you take away one from 101 then add one to 48, it would look like 100+149=249. And that is how you do it, you can try to do some examples from my create that I have done.

Comment below what have you learnt from this!

do you know how to do place value ?

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Playing battle ships with shapes.

Today we did  going in partners and playing battle ships but in stead of ships  they were shapes. In this one me and my  friend Sidney she had to do what I said to try and make a house. We could only use seven shapes  so it was going to be tough to think of something but in the end me and Sidney got through it. It was so fun doing this today above this is an example of what we did.   

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Factoring numbers

This week in Math's  I have been  learning how to factor numbers and learning about what factors are. 
Above is a sample of my work.

 I hope that you will learn something from this. 

Did you now what factors were ?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

How To write a good email

We are learning how to write good emails. and we are doing slideshows   to show that we understand.If you do not now how to do a good email  check out this slide  my goal: highlighting key words

What would you put in a email?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

how to do a good blog post

This is my learning about  how to do a good blog post. It  is very simple, just follow the steps and then you know how to do a good blog  post and comment. My Goal :Show that different text types have different features.
question: do you have a blog?

rounding numbers

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


 me:Hi my name is Selah.
I go to St. Francis of Assisi school
.let me tell you a little bit about me.
I have four of my friends' names is Sophie(b).Sophie b loves
horses. She is my BFF. Another
one of my friends is
 There are only
two people left,
one of them are
Sophie. Her
favorite animal is a dog. She has a cat and a dog!
i Can't
imagine what that would be like.anyway on to my other friend
her name is lily her favorite animal is a horse.she is new at
our school so i
made her more comfortable here. it is very fun at our
school. I think
lily likes it here. 
Here is a little
bit more about
me if you are
wondering if
i have any pets yes i do.
I have a pet bunny
she is a girl her name 

And now that is all that you need to know about me.

THE END  OR is it dum

Monday, May 25, 2020

in the 1960's they found a time capsule behind beehive and there was 3 things in it there was money to compare the money from then and the 1960's news paper to show what happened back then one more thing there was design's for  the building and that was all.

my Goal: is to identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge will help with understanding.

did you know that there was a time capsule found there?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dear Future Selah,  date:19th of may 2020 age: 9  

Please don’t read this until you have your first child.
But if you are not going to have a child then you can
read this.We are in lockdown because of a deadly
virus that has gone world wide.We are trying to
defeat the virus.

The last thing  that i liked about it was going on
meeting for school all the time.The thing that i
did like about it was staying at home in the
afternoon i got to eat whatever i wanted to eat and for lunch!.
It was soooo long!.

I could not go for a bike ride because one 
i had to go to school for the other weeks
and two i'm not aloud to go anywhere by myself
so i was not aloud to go and my brother and sister
did not want to go anywhere so i had no choice but
to stay home So what is going on in your life wait!
Don’t tell me I want to find out for myself.
Anyway it was nice knowing you.

Love from Selah from the past  

P.s We will talk later. :)
here is a link to my work for math

 click here to see my google drawing for math

Friday, May 1, 2020

My school reflection in lock down!

What I've done at school is very exciting  doing blog posts.Maths.Writing.
And reading.It was very exciting.We were having video meetings at the Normal everyday routine.We have lunch outside.Sit down at our own
desks.And we Have a house is the room as our bubble.And there was
the other half of the room as the other bubble.I am in a bubble with
my brother and sister and there are 2 other is very fun we go
out to do 2 laps around the back paddock.
It is very fun at school our teachers are right now are Mrs bowler
and Mrs Earl. it is very fun know we can sit were ever we want.

By selah 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Whats in the bag is a very fun game. I played it with my mum. I won
 the whole time my mum was not doing so good at the game. We 
stoped playing soon because i was winning every game 
It was very fun one day you should do something with 

your parents😀😀😀😆😆😊😊😊😊

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Lonely Kiwi

the lonely kiwi
Once upon a time there was a lonely Kiwi he was the longest little Kiwi anyone would ever see And one day that lonely  kiwi. one day the lonely Kiwi went to the Woods. 
And he saw a cat He screamed and ran for his life running and running and running suddenly he got tired but It was OK because the cat had gone. so he walked back to where he usually stays it's in the mud with all the nice Leaves  and berries and then he lived happily ever after  

  The end 
Or is it dun dun dun
      The lonely bunny

Once there was a bunny she was the Loneliest bunny there ever was.She had no friends no family and no one to cuddle up I'm sleeping next to she was so lonely that's it no one to take care for and usually She would go to bed hungry.One day singing turn to the forest To get some berries But then She realised she doesn't know where she was. she was scared and all alone no nothing  she had to fend for herself She was very scared to answer shaking her whole body was shaking and then she was a running for her life but then she Banged into another rabbits and ran for her life she told him to get to get out and and start running there was something that was chasing her So the other rabbits started running they went into a little borrow that was filled with leaves and berries Anything a rabbit could Ask for  She was so starving she started nibbling the berries and then She checked outside and checked if it was clear Then she said it was clear to go back Then Ran off and disappeared she didn't actually disappear she just went off to find the berries that she was going to find but she was too stuffed she couldn't eat so she went back to where she normally stay it's under a tree with the leaves She said she's very lucky to Have some where to stay Then she fell asleep and they and She lived happily ever after     

             the  end
 or is it    dun dun dun     



           Inside a fairy door 

Inside a fairy door there  fairies.
One of the fairies names are Ella.
Her best friend is called sophie.
Sophie is arso her sister.Sophie’s
favorite thing to do is Art.
And Ella’s favorite thing to do is
gymnastics.One day Ella wanted
to go in to the woods she new she wasn't aloud to go in to the woods alone so she
went over to Sophie’s house and asked her if she wanted to come and of corse she said yes.
Sophie and Ella loved going on Adventures. So of they went in to the woods they left a note
on the fridge so there parents now where they are going.sophie and Ella always pack before
going somewhere just incase they get lost ans lay have to stay the night. Mean while there
parents where out shopping sophie and Ella are both ten so they are both old a enough to be
home now time they where in the middle of now where they rested for 20 minutes
then they  released they didn't now they where they where lost they both yelled for help
but no one could hear them. They started to panic but then they heard a rumbling sound in
the bushes and then they both started screaming and running for there lives but eventually
the thing that was behind them started to catch up and then they had to stop because it was
a dead end but then they saw the person.and that person was there old teacher she was out in
the woods one day when she suddenly got lost what? They both said at the.Then the teacher
gave them a map and ran off again what was that all about said Ella i don’t now said Sophie
but she gave us a map lets go home.and off they went.they found there way home.and they
lived happily ever after



Monday, March 16, 2020

jolly jar joy

Jolly jar joy This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with us having to form groups and collaboratively create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin exploring our
 PBL question for the term - How can we build community through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product, experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others. 

Here is a Link to my instructions.

I learnt that instructions need to be bold and have font they need to have steps and all the steps begin with a verb and they in to make sence

Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jar my group made  snow globes. We thought it would be a nice thing for people to have fun making them.

I contributed to my group by  helping to make the instructions and doing what I was told. 

Our Jolly Jar was creative because it had the instructions to stay to the lid so the people can see what to do.
What I learned about working with others was that it was fun to meet new people.

How did we build community through our actions? By working as a group to get ready for the fair we were raising money for our new bike track and by never giving up.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Jolly jar joy

This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with us having to form groups and collaboratively create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin exploring our
 PBL question for the term - How can we build community through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product, experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others. 

Here is a Link to my instructions.

I learnt that instructions need to be bold and have font they need to have steps and all the steps begin with a verb and they need to be big and bold.

Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jar my group made  snow globes.

I contributed to my group by  helping to make the instructions and doing what I was told. 

Our Jolly Jar was creative because it had the instructions to stay to the lid so the people can see what to do.

What I learned about working with others was that it was fun to meet new people.

How did we build community through our actions? By working as a group to get ready for the fair we were raising money for our new bike track and by never giving up.